The Future Is Solar 

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A Long Road, Together Side by Side

We see it before us like it was yesterday — the small garage, us in the Twingo. Founding the company with Navina in 2016. Our first crowdfunding campaign. The first release event with the SVC1. Our test drive tours all over Europe. The incredible #staysono campaign with over €50 million in pledges. The launch of the SVC2 at CES. Valmet Automotive as a contract manufacturer. The development and production of the series-validation vehicles. And to top it all off, the successful crash tests. Throughout this whole journey you, our Community, have been our cornerstone. You have been with us through thick and thin and we are truly so grateful for every moment that we have shared together.

We are extremely saddened that we have terminated the Sion program so close to bringing it to the streets. We are still fully committed to making a real difference in mobility and making every vehicle solar. Therefore we have made the decision to continue with our solar B2B business. This was a very difficult decision, as you can imagine, and we do not take it lightly.

What Happens Now?

We will pivot our business model to exclusively retrofitting and integrating our solar technology onto third party vehicles. This marks a significant next step in Sono Motors’ business development. Our technology is already in application today, with 23 B2B customers across Europe, Asia, and the U.S. piloting our integrated solar technology on a variety of vehicle architectures, including third-party OEM cars, buses, refrigerated vehicles, and recreation vehicles. An estimated 90% of our funding needs for 2023 were generated by the Sion program and therefore in light of the circumstances such as market depression, we made the decision to terminate the Sion program.

Despite more than 45,000 reservations and pre-orders for the Sion, we were compelled to react to the ongoing financial market instability and streamline our business. Given also the resource intensive nature of the Sion program, including personnel requirements, we are now implementing a significant cost reduction program. This includes the redundancy of approximately 300 employees. This is not a decision we take lightly and we are incredibly grateful for their hard work and dedication to Sono Motors.

The success of the Sion’s recent 18-vehicle series-validation program was proof to us that the concept of a solar electric vehicle (SEV) works. Just before entering pre-series production, the Sion was on a trajectory to become a disruptor in the automotive solar technology industry. We continue to believe that it is a solution both wanted by and needed for everyday people, demonstrated by our Community’s unwavering support, but had to take this step in light of depressed capital market conditions.

Why Didn’t It Work Out?

Various circumstances, not all of which were within our sphere of influence, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, led to the current situation. There are three main reasons included in this:

First, we weren’t able to convince investors in light of the ongoing financial market instability to invest in a capital-intensive hardware product.

Second, It is also unfortunate that despite this want and need that our government does not see sustainable solutions for mobility in the same way. We received hardly any governmental support and raised over 330 million euro since 2016, and less than 1% of that came from the state.

Third, decisions we made in the past, especially in the early days of Sono Motors, also led to this situation. We underestimated how difficult it is to raise the necessary funds. Any delays caused by fundraising or other factors had an impact on development and thus the timeline, which in turn required again more funding.

In terms of Sion reservations with deposits made before the #savesion campaign, the Company has a payback plan to reimburse in various installments including a bonus over the next two years, starting with the first installment in May 2023. Sono Motors will not withdraw any money from the payment commitments made during the #savesion campaign.

Although we have terminated the Sion program, we will continue to utilize the patented technology we have developed in our solar business.

Remaining Faithful to Our Mission

Our revenue-generating solar business has been going from strength to strength and we are currently already working as a development-partner and supplier with companies across ten countries in Europe, Asia, and the U.S. Customers include Mitsubishi Europe, CHEREAU, and two Volkswagen subsidiaries – Scania and MAN Truck & Bus. Going forward, we intend to focus specifically on buses and third-party OEM cars, and will now scale up our technology. We will start with the introduction of the next generation of our mass-market ready retrofit solution for cleaner public transportation — the ‘Solar Bus Kit’ — planned for the second quarter of 2023. And as we will now exclusively focus on solar technology, talks with potential investors progress.

The potential of our technology has been validated not only by our commercial partnerships, but also by the European Union. In January, we secured €1.46 million in funding from the EU Commission’s European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (“CINEA”) to advance the development of the Company’s proprietary solar technology (‘SEAMLESS-PV’ project). We had also announced 52 patents granted or filed.

The Future Is Solar

This move means we can continue our mission of ‘solar on every vehicle’ and provide solutions that can benefit the lives of everyday people around the world, by reducing greenhouse emissions. The time for this mission is now, and our technology is ready to implement it.

We thank each of you again for your support over the years. We would not have come this far without you, our awesome Community. This is not the end, just a detour. For a world without fossil fuels.


This is a tough step for us. We will restructure significant parts of Sono Motors. Of the current more than 400 employees, only about 110 will continue working for Sono Motors. The Sion program has been terminated and we intend to sell it. We will focus on our commercial B2B solar solutions such as the Solar Bus Kit, which we have been testing with some key partners since the middle of last year.

We have a well-filled order book and see increasing demand for our solar technology. The business model is "asset light" (90% less capital required in 2023 compared to the Sion Business Plan) and offers interesting margins. We are already generating revenues. We plan further capital increases in the future to strengthen Sono's liquidity and to be able to repay you all down payments.

Our repayment plan includes three installments. 

1st installment: 30% of your down payment until May 2023

2nd installment: 40% of your down payment until June 2024

3rd installment: 30% of your down payment until January 2025

We will pay a one-off voluntary bonus of 5% with the last installment. We reserve the right to refund your deposit early.

First, we will terminate a majority of our employees as well as all Sion suppliers as well as service providers in order to reduce the running costs as soon as possible. 

Our repayment offer will be sent to all reservation holders, which can then be accepted online.

We will also start the next financing round to provide Group Solar with a sufficient financial buffer.

We will then structure the solar division in such a way that the team can smoothly transition and continue to work on the existing projects.

Yes, your current T&C will remain in place regardless of the discontinuation of the Sion program. 

However, we offer a payment plan. By accepting this payment plan, you agree to new terms and conditions which will replace your current ones.

As Sono Group N.V. will remain listed on NASDAQ, there will be no changes for shareholders, incl. Seedrs and former subscribers of convertible and subordinated loans. The Sono Group N.V.  shares remain unaffected by the restructuring.

Every euro that our reservers give up helps us to expand the solar business and realise our mission. You can actively help us realise our vision of a world without fossil fuels.

Thank you for your offer. There are several things you can do:

  • Accept our repayment plan and if you can, waive part of your down payment. This will help us achieve our mission of solar on every vehicle. 
  • Tell our story. Don't let the naysayers get the upper hand. Fight against the climate crisis, stand up for a climate-friendly future, for innovation in Germany. For a world without fossil fuels.

The Sono points were linked to the successful delivery of the Sion and would have been distributed upon conversion of your reservation into a purchase contract and a corresponding payment or offsetting of your advance payment against the purchase price. As we are now discontinuing the Sion program, this will unfortunately no longer happen and therefore the Sono points will also expire with immediate effect.

Last but not least

In the end, we want to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. For your trust and especially for your courage. For your courage to support us, even if it was risky. During the climate crisis, you didn't just look the other way and reserved a Sion. You're the reason we've been able to get this far. You’re the reason, why today an entire industry is thinking about solar integration. You have brought about real change. 

We would like to close the Sion chapter with an appeal: keep fighting! Tell our story. Don't let the naysayers get the upper hand. Fight against the climate crisis, stand up for a climate-friendly future, for innovation in Germany. For a world without fossil fuels.
